Calendar of Events

Neurocognitive Disorders and the Basics of Dementia: Top 4 Dementias Part 1 EGAMHST

South Iredell Senior Center 202 North Church St., Mooresville, North Carolina, United States

A course designed to increase the understanding of neurocognitive disorders and dementia. Thecurricula will examine the four most diagnosed types of neurocognitive disorders (NCDs) in olderadults, symptoms, risk factors, and treatment options. Also included are intervention strategies tosupport adaptive care delivery. This is a free in-person event facilitated by the Vaya Health GERO Team. CEU's […]


An Overview of Mental Health EGAMHST

South Iredell Senior Center 202 North Church St., Mooresville, North Carolina, United States

This introductory course aims to educate individuals on the most common mental healthdiagnoses among the aging population, along with treatment options to help overcome stigma.Variations between mental health and illness will be considered. This is a free in-person event facilitated by the Vaya Health GERO Team. CEU's are provided through NC Department of Health and […]


Facing Substance Use and Misuse in Your World EGAMHST

South Iredell Senior Center 202 North Church St., Mooresville, North Carolina, United States

Substance use is a reality in every community. Possibly you or someone in your life has beenimpacted by the challenges of substance use and addiction. This course identifies commonsubstances, addiction development, and their impact on families and communities. The focusis on the older adult population regarding identification, safety, treatment, and recovery. This is a free […]


Hoarding Disorder: Hidden Secrets EGAMHST

South Iredell Senior Center 202 North Church St., Mooresville, North Carolina, United States

Have you ever had a secret you were too embarrassed to share? Those who hoard may not disclosesymptoms due to potential embarrassment, judgment, and ridicule. This presentation will explorecauses, symptoms, treatment, and care methods for those managing this condition. The focus ison the aging population. This is a free in-person event facilitated by the Vaya […]


Anxiety: Managing Nervous Energy EGAMHST

South Iredell Senior Center 202 North Church St., Mooresville, North Carolina, United States

A growing number of individuals report experiencing anxiety symptoms in recent years. This courseexamines anxiety as it disproportionately affects the aging population. Traditional and alternativetreatments will be the focus of symptom management. This is a free in-person event facilitated by the Vaya Health GERO Team. CEU's are provided through NC Department of Health and Human […]


Dementia: A Deeper Understanding EGAMHST

South Iredell Senior Center 202 North Church St., Mooresville, North Carolina, United States

Did you know that dementia is an umbrella term including a variety of different symptoms? Caringfor someone with dementia can present unique challenges. This curriculum will examine, in detail,associated symptoms and behavioral changes. It will also explore best practices for care delivery. This is a free in-person event facilitated by the Vaya Health GERO Team. […]


Suicide and Aging…Conversations for Life! EGAMHST

South Iredell Senior Center 202 North Church St., Mooresville, North Carolina, United States

Conversations about suicide are not always comfortable; however, having the dialogue opens thedoor for help! This course focuses on warning signs, adaptive responses, and prevention methodsfor aging individuals at risk of suicide. This is a free in-person event facilitated by the Vaya Health GERO Team. CEU's are provided through NC Department of Health and Human […]


Navigating Depression EGAMHST

South Iredell Senior Center 202 North Church St., Mooresville, North Carolina, United States

Depression is common in older adults and often overlooked or misdiagnosed. This course exploresrisk factors, symptoms, and treatment options. Care providers receive tips on how to support othersexperiencing depression. This is a free in-person event facilitated by the Vaya Health GERO Team. CEU's are provided through NC Department of Health and Human Services. If you […]


Neurocognitive Disorders and the Basics of Dementia EGAMHST

South Iredell Senior Center 202 North Church St., Mooresville, North Carolina, United States

Neurocognitive disorders, often miscategorized as dementia, can be frightening, overwhelming, andcomplicated to understand. This course examines the four most diagnosed types of neurocognitivedisorders (NCDs), symptoms, risk factors, and treatment options. This is a free in-person event facilitated by the Vaya Health GERO Team. CEU's are provided through NC Department of Health and Human Services. If […]


Opportunities to Help During Crisis EGAMHST

South Iredell Senior Center 202 North Church St., Mooresville, North Carolina, United States

An individual can experience a crisis suddenly and without warning, especially when symptoms of amental illness are involved. As a caregiver or responder, possessing skills that support de-escalationis imperative. Did you know that you can help? This course provides information about crises in olderadults, barriers to de-escalation, and specific methods of stabilizing support. This is […]
