Older man with downs syndrome hugging older woman

My service options: Community living and support

What do you enjoy most about where you live? Maybe it’s close to your friends or family. Maybe your favorite restaurant is nearby. Maybe it’s convenient to get to work, school, or your doctor. At Vaya Health, we support individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD) in where they choose to live, how they spend their day, how to be part of their community, and how to live more independently through a variety of services, including community living and support (CLS).

Do I qualify for community living and support?

CLS is a widely used service under the Medicaid 1915(c) Innovations Waiver, according to Vaya Health Network Management Coordinator David Boyd. It’s available to children and adults with an I/DD. And now, members with traumatic brain injuries (TBI) or I/DD ages 16 and older can access CLS through state funds as well.

“CLS helps members live more independently in their own homes,” said Boyd.

Talk to your care manager or call Vaya’s Behavioral Health Crisis Line at 1-800-849-6127
for help in finding out if this service is right for you.

What the service covers

According to the NC Department of Health and Human Services, CLS helps members learn new skills and supports them in activities so that they can live successfully in their own home. CLS also provides technical assistance to family members or those living with the member to help them maintain the skills they learned.

CLS is also designed to help people become active members of their community. It teaches them how to make informed choices and control their own lives. The skills members learn are in line with their Person-Centered Plans (PCP) or Individual Support Plans (ISP).

Personal care and in-home skill building were originally two separate services. CLS now combines the two into one joint service. Personal care covers skills like self-care, hygiene, and clothing. In-home skill building focuses more on independence skills, day-to-day tasks, and becoming involved in their communities.

How community living and support can help you

Community living and support can increase your independent living skills so you can stay in your home or with your family if you have an I/DD or TBI. You’ll learn how to:

  • Grow your self-sufficiency
  • Make your own decisions
  • Meet goals set by you in your PCP or ISP
  • Take part in your community

“We want members to live where they want, and CLS can help them achieve that,” said Boyd.

To learn more about CLS or find out if you qualify, contact your care manager or call Vaya’s Behavioral Health Crisis Line at 1-800-849-6127.

Need Help?

Finding care can be confusing sometimes. At Vaya Health, we make it easier. The process starts with a phone call to our Member and Recipient Services Line at

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