Diverse group listening to lecturer. The image is blurred on the audience but in focus on the presenter who is facing the audience.

Vaya Health Leaders to Share Critical Insight on Integrated Health Care in North Carolina at Statewide Conference

ASHEVILLE, NC – Vaya Health leaders will be sharing key progress indicators and further insights into North Carolina’s evolving integrated health care landscape at the upcoming i2i Winter Conference, being held in Winston-Salem from Dec. 7-8.

A critical factor in today’s approach to health care, integrated care has helped shape North Carolina’s Medicaid Transformation process, with the goal of providing individuals across the state with the resources and services needed to deliver successful outcomes.

During the conference, Rhonda Cox, Executive Vice President & Chief Operations Officer at Vaya, will join other community and state partners to discuss the different methods of integrated care.

“It’s an honor to join other industry experts to dive into how integrated care continues to change the approach to health care in North Carolina,” shared Rhonda Cox. “Conversations like this are critical as we continue to discuss strategies and work to implement integrated care in various communities to help ensure successful outcomes.”

On Dec. 7, Vaya’s Child & Treatment Continuum Director, Ashley Parks, will present alongside Thompson Child & Family Services Chief Operations Officer, Anthony Jones. The two will share how Thompson’s Enhanced Residential Treatment Center (ERTC) has been serving adolescents with the goal of transitioning individuals back into their communities.

“This unique partnership has allowed Vaya to expand our reach and offer services to a wider population – ensuring that these adolescents have the resources and support they need in order to successfully transition back into their home environments,” said Ashley Park. “I am thrilled to stand with Anthony and share more about all this program has to offer and how it has already transformed youth and families who have participated in the program.”

Since 2022, the ERTC, located in Matthews, North Carolina, has been serving members through its custom program, where participants receive:

  • 24/7 nursing support and staff
  • Psychiatric care
  • Individualized treatment
  • One-on-one and small-group educational instruction
  • Individual, group, and family therapy, as well as access to recreational therapy, animal-assisted therapy, and therapeutic gardening.

To learn more about the 2023 Winter i2i Center for Integrative Health Conference and those who will be presenting, visit: https://i2icenter.org/

Click here for the full press release.

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