Child and Family Team 1 Revised Training (CFT)
This free, virtual 2-day course provides 11 contact hours of training related to System of Care and the CFT process; gives parents, caregivers, and professionals an overview of CFT meetings […]
This free, virtual 2-day course provides 11 contact hours of training related to System of Care and the CFT process; gives parents, caregivers, and professionals an overview of CFT meetings […]
When trauma occurs, it can have lasting effects on the person who experiences it and theircaregiver. This presentation defines PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and reviews the impactof trauma. Highlighted are […]
Have you ever had a secret you were too embarrassed to share? Those who hoard may not disclosesymptoms due to potential embarrassment, judgment, and ridicule. This presentation will explorecauses, symptoms, […]
A growing number of individuals report experiencing anxiety symptoms in recent years. This courseexamines anxiety as it disproportionately affects the aging population. Traditional and alternativetreatments will be the focus of […]