Calendar of Events

Webinar: Anxiety: Managing Nervous Energy EGAMHST

Virtual Event Virtual Event

A growing number of individuals report experiencing anxiety symptoms in recent years. This courseexamines anxiety as it disproportionately affects the aging population. Traditional and alternativetreatments will be the focus of […]


Webinar: Living with Anxiety: Medications that Help EGAMHST

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Everyone experiences anxiety at some point. When excessive, it can negatively impact one’squality of life. This course will explore medications used to treat anxiety, specifically in the agingpopulation. Also explored […]


Neurocognitive Disorders and the Basics of Dementia Part 1 EGAMHST

Rowan Public Library 201 West Fisher St., Salisbury, North Carolina, United States

A course designed to increase the understanding of neurocognitive disorders and dementia. Thecurricula will examine the four most diagnosed types of neurocognitive disorders (NCDs) in olderadults, symptoms, risk factors, and […]


Anxiety: Managing Nervous Energy EGAMHST

North County Regional Library 16500 Holly Crest Lane, Huntersville, North Carolina, United States

A growing number of individuals report experiencing anxiety symptoms in recent years. This course examines anxiety as it disproportionately affects the aging population. Traditional and alternative treatments will be the […]


Anxiety: Managing Nervous Energy EGAMHST

Lois E Harrill Senior Center 132 Poplar Grove Connector #A, Boone, North Carolina, United States

A growing number of individuals report experiencing anxiety symptoms in recent years. This courseexamines anxiety as it disproportionately affects the aging population. Traditional and alternativetreatments will be the focus of […]
