Calendar of Events

Communication 101: The Basics EGAMHST

Cumberland Street Center A Division of Beacon Rescue Mission 200 S King Ave., Dunn, North Carolina, United States

Communication is the string that ties us all together. If that string isn’t strong enough or is broken,relationships tend to unravel. Effective communication cultivates strong relationships and supportsone’s voice being […]

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Communication 101: The Basics EGAMHST

McDowell Senior Center 100 Spaulding Rd.,, Marion, North Carolina, United States

Communication is the string that ties us all together. If that string isn’t strong enough or is broken,relationships tend to unravel. Effective communication cultivates strong relationships and supportsone’s voice being […]

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Communication 101: The Basics EGAMHST

Alexander County Senior Center 730 7th St., SW, Taylorsville, North Carolina, United States

Communication is the string that ties us all together. If that string isn’t strong enough or is broken, relationships tend to unravel. Effective communication cultivates strong relationships and supports one’s […]

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Webinar: Anxiety: Managing Nervous Energy-WGAMHST

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This is a free virtual event facilitated by the Vaya Health Geriatric team. Contact Hours are provided through NC Department of Health and Human Services. A growing number of individuals […]

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Webinar: Communication 101 EGAMHST

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This is a free virtual event facilitated by the Vaya Health GERO team. CEU’s are provided through NC Department of Health and Human Services. An email with an evaluation will […]

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Webinar: OCD: Thought-Behavior Cycle

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This is a free virtual event facilitated by the Vaya Health GERO team. CEU’s are provided through NC Department of Health and Human Services. An email with an evaluation will […]

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