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Child and Family Team 1 Revised Training (CFT)

March 13 @ 9:00 am March 14 @ 4:00 pm

This free, virtual 2-day course provides 11 contact hours of training related to System of Care and the CFT process; gives parents, caregivers, and professionals an overview of CFT meetings from the family’s perspective; and teaches strategies and facilitation skills to support youth and families.

To receive credit for the training, participants must attend both full days and have their cameras on with audio capability. Preference will be given to members/recipients and providers in the Vaya region. Only three individuals from each provider organization may register. Attendance is capped at 28 attendees.

Participants will receive a link to the training a few days before the event. If you have questions, email provider.training@vayahealth.com.

Child and Family Team 1 Revised Training (CFT)

0 Going
28 remaining