A male soldier in a warm embrace with his two children is welcomed home from deployment.

Vaya Health Honors Veterans and Celebrates Program & Resource Advancements

ASHEVILLE, NC – In honor of Veterans Day, Vaya Health proudly stands with the nation in paying tribute to the courageous servicemen and women who have risked their lives for the safety and freedom of others.

As a dedicated partner and provider of the NCServes network, Vaya has worked alongside the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to provide care and develop essential resources for North Carolina’s military community. NCServes is North Carolina’s first coordinated network of public, private, and nonprofit organizations working together to serve veterans, service members and their families. The network organization provides those who have served with health benefits navigation, clothing and household goods, employment, food assistance, housing and shelter, income support, individual and family support, legal services, money management, and physical health.

“It is a privilege to be able to serve and connect North Carolina veterans with the resources and services they need,” said Meredith Comer, MHSU CCM Manager and Veterans Point of Contact at Vaya Health.

“The invaluable stories and insights shared by our former service members have inspired us to adapt and offer a comprehensive range of services, resources and support measures to both our current military members and veterans.”

Looking ahead, Vaya is excited about its continued involvement in the military community, with plans for an “Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)” scheduled for December. This prevention-oriented first aid course aims to increase community members’ awareness of the warning signs of suicide and equip them with the skills to address suicidal thoughts and behaviors in various settings.

Vaya also joined the Department of Veterans Affairs for a 1-hour virtual information session on Oct. 30. The session provided law enforcement and emergency room personnel in North Carolina and Virginia with the latest tools and resources to effectively address veterans in crisis. The need for veterans’ services and support has never been more critical, as military personnel return home and embark on the often-challenging transition from military service. As an active provider in the NCServes Western network, Vaya’s Care Managers are vital in identifying veterans in the community and facilitating referrals to an extensive veterans support network.

Vaya helps connect veterans to critical resources, such as:

  • Behavioral health supports
  • Access to insurance, Veterans Affairs (VA) or Medicaid resources
  • Employment or training opportunities within their local communities
  • Rapid rehousing and homeless prevention services

For more information about Vaya’s commitment to serving the military community and its upcoming events or training opportunities, visit www.vayahealth.com.

Click here for the full press release.

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